Healing Essence Lymphatic Massage and More

Outstanding Therapeutic Massage and Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic drainage massage

(For COVID-19 Procedures, please refer to the red section at the bottom of this page.)

Lymphatic Drainage Massage works with the lymphatic system which lies right below the skin and is associated with removal of fluid and waste products from the body’s tissue and is a key component of the immune system. It is great for detoxification or reduction in swelling, such as pregnancy related swelling in the hands or feet, or swelling following

injury or surgery. It is particularly useful in aiding recovery after liposuction and gender re-affirming surgeries.

Lymphatic drainage is a slow process that uses a light touch.  If you wish for full-body lymphatic drainage, we suggest 2  x 90  minute and 1 x 60 min sessions.

Boosting the immune system will usually require 6 weekly sessions

One-hour appointments are generally suitable for post-liposuction clients,  unless the work has been extensive or there is a great deal of fibrosis. We also use cupping therapy to address fibrosis.  After liposuction or other surgery, it is recommended that clients receive lymphatic drainage massage once a week, usually for 5 to 10 sessions. Please note that lymphatic drainage is unlikely to hurt, even after surgery. In fact, most of our clients tell us that it feels good. Using deep tissue massage and cupping,  we are also able to break down scar tissue that appears during the healing process and can often remedy any lumpiness that occurs during this time. Once the swelling is down, some clients like to receive smoothing massages which are more akin to Swedish or Deep Tissue massage.



COVID-19 Procedures for Indoor Massage:

Screening for COVID-19 symptoms: The therapist will self-test for COVID-19 weekly with a home test. If they receive a positive result they will immediately notify all clients for the following week. All appointments will be canceled until the home test can be confirmed or negated by a laboratory test (as home tests can give false positives). If the laboratory test confirms COVID-19, all appointments will be canceled for a minimum of 2 weeks and until a negative laboratory COVID-19 test is achieved.  Should the therapist test positive for COVID-19, all clients seen since the last negative COVID-19 test will be notified.

The day of the appointment, the therapist will take their own temperature despite their weekly negative COVID test. The client’s temperature will be checked upon arrival and they will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms. If they have had any unexpected symptoms or been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past two weeks they will be asked to leave. As they will be given this information with their appointment reminder, they will be asked to pay for the missed session.

Cleaning and sanitizing:  All surfaces at the site will be sanitized with an FDA-approved disinfectant before and after every client – this includes the massage table legs, chair legs, etc.  All cushions and bolsters have been covered in sanitizable material and will be sanitized before and after each client. The table and table warmer have been covered in a sanitizable material and will be sanitized before and after each client. Hand sanitizer will be at least 70% alcohol. Disposable gloves will be worn if it is necessary for the therapist to touch the client’s face. Upon arrival and departure the client will sanitize their hands.

Hand sanitizing: therapist and client hands will be sanitized at the start of every session, any time the client or therapist touches their face, and at the end of the appointment.

Face coverings: will be worn by both therapist and client at all times. When face down on the table, a pillow case will be used in such a way that it acts as a face covering during that time.

Client responsibilities: Clients will sanitize their hands upon arrival and after removing their shoes. Clothes and personal belongings will be stored on the table provided. Clients will notify the therapist should they test positive for COVID-19 or develop symptoms. They will bring their own water.

Ensuring airflow: An air filter will be running throughout the session and if possible windows will be open.

Additional precautions: The therapist will wear a NIOSH certified N95 mask at all times.


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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